
Tom Riddle X Reader Part 3 First spell in hogwarts

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The next day you open up your eyes with ease, mostly due the fact you are overwhelmed to see what Hogwarts has there to offer. Lily’s already awake and gives you a small smile before telling you your first class is charms.

“Oh, you’re going to LOVE mr. Flitwick!, he’s a very kind man” – she said

Minutes later, you followed Lily out of the room, along with other members of Gryffindor, yet some of them went to a completely different direction than your class, due which you looked confused about.

“Some people take other lessons or head into different classrooms.” – she reassured you.

“So how do you know we have the same lessons?” – you ask

“A guess.” – she gave you a slight grin

However, your intentions of going to the class have changed when you and Lily heard a sound of sobbing coming from a nearby bathroom. You gave each other a glance and immediately entered the chamber.

All you saw was a young, girl, probably from a younger year. She had dark, lank hair with a fringe, pimples and thick glasses. She was wiping off tears that surrounded her eyes which were now sore and red from crying.

You didn’t know what to do at this moment, so Lily approached her first.

“What’s wrong?” – Lily spoke in a soft, slow voice that showed a lot of caring “It’s Myrtle, right?”

Instead of speaking up, Myrtle gave her a quick nod

“Has anyone upset you?”

After some time of wondering whether to speak up, she nods again, looking at the floor.
Lily’s expression turned into a concern, she placed her hands around Myrtle’s shoulders and comforted her, saying “Just ignore them. That’s what I do. Few years from now, you’re going to be far more better than anyone they could possibly be, and then you’ll be there to laugh at them…. Okay?”

The girl now seemed to stop crying, but was still too upset to speak, so she gave one last nod along with a slight smile. This caused Lily’s face to look more relieved.

“Come on, we’re late to class, ready to show them who’s the best?” – She gave the girl one last pat on the back

“Yeah” – finally Myrtle spoke after one sniff, she also looked up and her eyes met yours. You could tell she was a friendly girl, but did not seem the type to have a lot of friends.

Your little squad had parted ways after you and Lily decided to walk Myrtle to her class. You passed a rather looking pissed of female who was sneering at the sight of your company. And before she could say anything, she was shut down by Lily “Olive, don’t” – one shout changed her sneer into shock, she was afraid to say anything in front of Lily it seemed, what was aimed at Myrtle.

After making sure she heads to class safely, you and Lily rush to your own. It was your first ever lesson and you were late for it.

You finally reach your destination but neither of you are brave enough to even push the door open to enter the class.

“Oh, come on, we’re Gryffindor, we’re meant to be brave” – Lily looked at you and spoke in a rather annoyed voice

“Then go ahead.” – You respond. “It’s my first day and I’m going to get killed by a teacher because of you”

Lily giggles and pushes the door open and you enter the back of the classroom. Voice of a teacher was interrupted by the creaking door and caused the whole class to turn around. Lily seemed nervous as she apologised to the professor for being late. Your cheeks, however, have gone red, as literally everyone in class were focusing on the new face – you. It was a class filled with mixed houses.

There were three rows, it was quite a dark classroom as the blinds were down. But you could still make out some familiar faces. You could see a black haired man – Severus, who was sitting in the first row, around middle. A guy you saw on the train with glasses and who glanced at Lily sitting in the third row, second table, next to a man who had average length, brown, curly hair.

However, only one of the faces really stood out for you, and that was somebody you did not take to your liking, a handsome yet stubborn Tom riddle. He was sitting at the back of the first row, which meant that he was now only a few footsteps away from you. You did not seem to give him any interest either as he only gave you a usual cold glance then turned back to look at the professor.

“Ah! You must be (your name), yes, yes, come here” – soon after, your professor waved you to him. He was a small, old man.

As he saw you approach, he spoke once again: “You must be the new student! Class, this is (your name), she came here all the way from Ilvermorny school”

The classroom was silent, it was embarrassing for you as you’d rather have no such introductions. You re-directed your eyes from the floor to Lily, who was sitting in the middle row, third table. Now that you look back, you notice that the classroom’s floor, to the exit, goes slightly up and not so far away from the door, is sitting blank-faced Riddle.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the professor: “You may sit next to Narcissa then, middle row, first table”

You then turn towards the pointed direction and saw a girl, pale skin and blonde hair with brown streaks. She looked around with her eyes and waved at you, as embarrassed as you are, you wave back.

You finally sit down and feel more relaxed as you know there aren’t loads of eyes focused on you anymore.

“Well then, start the lesson, shall we?” – Flitwick chuckled “Today we’re going to talk about banishing charm”

The class was filled with moans, for unknown reasons.

“no, no, It’s not going to be like last time, I promise you.” – professor responds with a smile. “So please take out your wands and grab yourself one of those glasses over there on the counter.” – he pointed towards corner on your right, which meant that you had to get up and go grab it yourself as everyone else was doing it.

You get up and head towards the counter that was filled with people. Unable to reach a glass, you notice someone reaching out the glass for you. It was the same brown eyed male you saw in the carriage – severus. You thank him and head back to your seat.

As soon as everyone had their wands ready, the teacher grabbed his glass and waved his magic stick huhue, that’s what she said

Depulso!” – he yelled out and his glass started moving back to its original place. “Depulso, a charm that’s opposite of Accio, it sends object away instead of summoning them” – he stated. “Now get your skinny fingers on your wands and say the magic words” – those were the words you’d never thought you’d hear from a teacher, it surely made some students laugh.

Everyone got serious and it was your turn to cast your very own first spell in a new school. Which means that everything went horribly wrong, of course.

Simple as it seemed, it was not so for you. Room echoed with sounds of the spell being casted which made it even harder to concentrate. Your partner, Narcissa had the spell at ease and she got it right after the second try. She then turned to you and noticed your struggles.

“All you have to do is wave your wand a little more, that’s it.” – she spoke to you

Most of the students were done with their spells by now, and in lots and lots of spent time on the art of waving your wrist, your object flies back to its natural place, which caused the professor to say “well done!” to you, he was congratulating. Even though you were meant to feel special in casting your first spell in your new school, you were embarrassed by the unexpected shout outs.

Everyone was done by now, and the professor explained that we’ll have to ‘step it up’ and therefore we had to get our objects back with the spell of Accio and fill it with water with the spell of Aguamenti then turn it into wine.

”Accio glass” - soon, voices in the room echoed once again.

In your surprise, you got the glass on your first try, which Narcissa did not seem to succeed in.

“All you have to do is wave your wand a little more” – you then spoke to Narcissa, rather than revenge, it more of a playful gesture. Payback, bitch

Next step was to cast water in the glass.

”Aguamenti!” - you and half of the room yelled out. This was the spell you got correct after three times of trying. Narcissa seemed to still be behind, trying to cast accio spell. You saw some people give up and go take the glass themselves.

It was your last step, which meant you now had to turn it into wine. So you waved and waved your wrist but whatever you did, it did not turn. Narcissa caught up with you and noticed your substance turn red before hers did.

Before you could feel prouder than ever, it was ruined when the glass all of sudden flew up, then into the nearest passing by student. Poor victim not really was trying to get a new notebook from the teacher at the time the glass hit their chest.

Embarrassed, as it was obviously your fault, you run to the person with some tissues you had in your pocket.

“I’m so so---“ – you then saw their surprised, angry face turn around to face you. Yep. Tom Riddle.

“Are you mad?!!” – he yelled. “It’s a simple cast-away spell!”

“Technically…. I did not get to that part yet…” – you answered. “here, let me help” – you immediately start subbing his red, wet chest with white paper tissues.

Surprised he was indeed. “What the…? What kind of muggle junk this is?!” – he said

The professor only was watching with a slight grin, he seemed to enjoy the event, and most of the people in the classroom have not yet noticed Tom shouting at you.

“Hey, it’s not my fault! I swear, I did nothing!” – you reason with him

“I’m sorry, I did not know splashing wine on students was part of the course!” – Tom continued his outburst.

“Alright, big guy, I’m done with you.” – you throw the tissues away and go back to your seat as you saw no point in arguing with him.

Some time later, everyone was done with their work and sat in their seats. All looked neutral except that one guy at the back who kept giving you shivering, cold stares.

please tell me if you see any grammar errors, thank you! ^.^

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